Dr. Payman Dehghanian
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 6630 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052
Tel. (202) 994-6427
Payman Dehghanian (SM’20) received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, in 2009, the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA, in 2017. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA. His research interests include power system reliability and resilience assessment, data-informed decision-making for maintenance and asset management in electrical systems, and smart electricity grid applications.
Dr. Dehghanian is the recipient of the 2013 IEEE Iran Section Best M.Sc. Thesis Award in Electrical Engineering, 2014 and 2015 IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Professional Achievement Awards, the 2015 IEEE-HKN Outstanding Young Professional Award, the 2021 Early Career Award from the Washington Academy of Sciences, the 2022 George Washington University’s Early Career Researcher Award, the 2022 IEEE IAS Electric Safety Committee’s Young Professional Achievement Award, and the 2022 IEEE IAS Outstanding Young Member Service Award. In 2015 and 2016, Dr. Dehghanian was selected among the World’s Top 20 Young Scholars for Next Generation of Researchers in Electric Power Systems.
Ph.D. Students
Jinshun Su
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Jinshun Su received B.Eng in electrical engineering from Xi’an University of Technology, China in 2017, and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA in 2019. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA. His research interests include applications of decision-dependent uncertainty in power systems, mobile power sources, reliability
Ali Alawad
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 – Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Ali Alawad received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Qassim University, Saudi Arabia in 2013 and The George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA, in 2018, respectively. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The George Washington University. His research interests include power system reliability and resiliency under extreme weather conditions and smart electricity grid applications.
Ahmad Alnakhli
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 – Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Ahmad Alnakhli received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA, in 2012 and 2016, respectively. He spent about three years working as a reliability engineer for MARAFIQ company, Saudi Arabia, where he participated in reliability studies for several power generation and water production units. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA. His research interests include power system optimization, smart grid and renewable energy, power grid planning, and resiliency of power systems.
Benedict Vergara
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Ben received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering at The George Washington University, both with concentrations in Energy and Power Systems. Since graduation, Ben has worked at the engineering consulting firm Strategic Analysis, Inc. as a staff engineer aiding the development of techno-economic analyses for clean energy technologies. Now, Ben returns to GW to deepen his understanding of how powerful tools, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology can offer reliability, resiliency, and efficiency to the cutting edge of smart grids.
Lujia Zhan
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Lujia Zhan received the B.Eng in Physics from East China Normal University, China in 2018, and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA in 2020. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA. Her research interests include power system reliability and resiliency, cyber-attack in power grid.
Yifu Li
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Yifu Li received the B.Eng degree in electrical engineering from the Changzhou University, China, in 2016, and received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA, in 2020. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The George Washington University. His research interests include electrical systems resilience, deep learning methods applied to power grids, and smart grid reliability.
Maeshal Hijazi
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Maeshal Hijazi received the B.Sc and M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering with energy concentration from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA, in 2019 and 2020, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA. His research interests include power system stability, control, and protection.
Ruotan Zhang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Ruotan Zhang received his B.Eng degree in electrical engineering and the automatization specialty from the Hunan University in 2018, and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA in 2021. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D degree in electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA. His research interest includes smart power grid power grid, resilience of power system and renewable energy.
Chengzhi Xie
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Chengzhi Xie received the B.Eng degree in electrical engineering and automation from the Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, China, in 2018, and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA in 2021. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA. His research interest includes seaport power distribution system optimization, smart grid expansion planning, renewable energy, and resilience enhancement.
Farid Kochakkashani
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Farid Kochakkashani received the B.Sc. in industrial engineering from the University of Garmsar, Semnan, Iran, in 2019, and the M.Sc. degree in industrial engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2022. He is now a research assistant at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University, where he is pursuing the Ph.D. degree. His research interests include system optimization, electrical systems resilience, decision making under uncertainty, and data-driven optimization.
Nazneen Ahmed
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Nazneen has a B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2014) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and an MBA in Finance (2018) from the Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The George Washington University, focusing on Energy and Power Systems. Her research interests include smart grids, power system reliability, and protection. This academic journey highlights her commitment to diverse education and her dedication to making meaningful contributions in these specialized fields.
Haoyu Wang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Haoyu Wang received B.Eng in Measurement and Control Technology and Instruments from College of Jincheng, China in 2020, and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA in 2024. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. His research interests include offshore wind power generation, long distance power transmission and protection.
Eser Akkurt
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5911 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Eser Akkurt received the B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Yasar University, Turkey, in 2012, and the M.Sc. degree in information technology from The Washington University Of Science And Technology, Alexandria, Virginia, USA in 2021. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA. His research interest includes power generation system optimizations, HV/MV Substations sustainability, power grid future extensions planning, renewable energy, and power systems stability.
M.Sc. Students
Youmna Atta
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Suite 5920 - Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)
Washington, DC 20052

Youmna Atta received her Bachelor's degree in Renewable Energy Engineering (2021) from the University of Science and Technology at Zewail City, Egypt. She has worked for two years at the Electricity Market Department of the Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (EgyptERA), actively contributing to the development of energy legislations, regulations, electricity market rules and tariffs. Currently pursuing her M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering at The George Washington University focusing on Energy and Power Systems, her research interests include power systems analysis, optimization and planning, smart power grids, renewable energy systems, electricity markets and policies.
Dr. Saharnaz Mehrani

Dr. Saharnaz Mehrani received her Ph.D. degree in Business Administration with concentration on Operations and Information Management from University of Connecticut, CT, USA, in 2021, and her M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2012 and 2014, respectively. She is currently working as a Post-Doctoral Scientist at The George Washington University. Her research interests include data analytics, machine learning, and discrete optimization, for a variety of applications.
Visiting Scholars
Dr. Abouzar Estebsari

Dr. Abouzar Estebsari received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Polytechnic University of Turin (Politecnico di Torino), Italy, in 2015. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Energy, at Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy. In summer 2016, he was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, E.ON. Energy Research Center at RWTH-Aachen University, in Germany. His main research interests include power system security of supply and resiliency, smart grid applications, and digital real-time simulation.
Dr. Yunhui Zhang

Dr. Yunhui Zhang received B.Eng degree in thermal Engineering from Changsha University of Science & Technology, China; the M.Sc. degree in thermal engineering from Wuhan University, China, and the Ph.D. degree in thermal engineering automation from Southeast University, Nanjing, China. She is currently a visiting scholar at George Washington University. Her research interests include Renewable Energy Application, Microgrid Operation Optimization, and Intelligent Energy Services. During 2019-2020, she was a visiting scholar at GW SmartGrid Laboratory.
Ph.D. Graduates
Name: Mohannad Alhazmi (Ph.D., 2022)
Dissertation: On the Integration and Coordination of Interconnected Water and Electricity Networks: Use Cases, Algorithms, and Solutions

Name: Mostafa Nazemi (Ph.D., 2022)
Dissertation: Power System Resilience to Environmental Stressors: Hazard Characterization, Modeling, Assessment, and Mitigation

Name: Shiyuan Wang (Ph.D., 2020)
Dissertation: Distributed Intelligence for Online Situational Awareness and Resilience in Power Grids

Name: Bo Wang (Ph.D., 2020)
Dissertation: Advanced Control and Energy Management Schemes for Power Grids with High Proliferation of Renewables and Electric Vehicles

M.Sc. Graduates
Name: Haoyu Wang (M.Sc., 2024)
Thesis: Operation, Control and Protection of DRU-MMC Hybrid HVDC System for Offshore Wind Integration

Name: Benjamin Wormuth (M.Sc., 2022)

Name: Chengzhi Xie (M.Sc., 2021)
Thesis: Mobile Power Sources for Resilience Enhancement in Unbalanced Power Distribution Networks

Name: Ruotan Zhang (M.Sc., 2021)
Thesis: Assessing Power Grid Resilience to Electromagnetic Weapons of Massive Destruction

Name: Naihao Shi (M.Sc., 2020)
Thesis: Optimal Operation of A Micro Water-Energy Nexus

Name: Fei Teng (M.Sc., 2020)
Thesis: Enhancing Power Distribution Grid Resilience Against Massive Wildfires

Name: Yifu Li (M.Sc., 2020)
Thesis: Date-Driven Topology Identification in Power Distribution Systems with Machine Learning

Name: Dingwei Wang (M.Sc., 2020)
Thesis: Electric Power Grid Resilience Against Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Disturbances

Name: Jinshun Su (M.Sc., 2019)
Thesis: On the Use of Wind Power and Pumped-Storage Hydro for Blackout Restoration and Resilience

Name: Zijiang Yang (M.Sc., 2019)
Thesis: Flexible Energy Resources for Enhancing Power Distribution System Resilience

Name: Bhavesh Shinde (M.Sc. 2019)
Thesis: Real-Time Stability Surveillance in Power Systems: A Deep Learning Approach

Undergraduate Alumnis
Name: David Nguyen (B.Sc. 2020)
Email: E-mail:

Name: Tien Nguyen (B.Sc. 2020)

Visiting Interns
Name: Zhiyuan Zhang